My Garden is doing better than ever! It took me a while but it’s producing so much fresh organic food that I don’t even know what to do with it all! This is all part of the mindset of the Green Town Project, where we can generate our own healthy fresh produce in the cities where we live and work – and my garden is living proof that it is possible – and it starts with you…and it seems that the seed is spreading…
My neighbors have caught the Green Fever and asked me whether I would take over their front garden! I’m absolutely delighted that I’ve been able to influence others through my actions, but I have my hands pretty full what with my Greenhouse and my Garden – not to mention my family and my business! I was hoping to inspire them to do the same in their garden, not commission me to farm for them – I’m not really looking for a career change!
Anyway, I’m sure I can help get them started, and once they’re up and running, they will be able to take it from there.This is exactly the kind of action that we need, and the seed will spread slowly but surely, from family to friends, to neighbors, to communities, and one day through entire cities!
Green Town here we come!