Happy New Year!

Justin Bonello

It’s officially 2015 and I’m sure everyone is nursing their hangovers from last night. I wish everyone the very best for this year that lies ahead. Today’s the day that everyone has to commit to their New Year’s Resolutions that were promised last night – quite smoking, eat healthier, exercise more – my resolution is to cut my costs of living in half. I think that everyone has felt the pinch recently and it seems that each Rand buys less and less, which is exactly why I have made it my mission to see how I can change that in every aspect of my life – my food, my car, my house and the way that I live.

It’s my plan to make this Summer the season of the great outdoors, celebrating our beautiful country that we are all so blessed to call home while cutting costs and reducing my carbon footprint too! I challenge everyone to join me in this mission and the rewards will be great!

But right now, the most important thing is dealing with those hangovers, sticking to your New Year’s Resolutions and preparing yourself for this year…I’m sure it’s going to be a good one!

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