My School

Since I can remember I’ve been going to the Transkei. My mom lives there now, in a small self-contained village called Cebe. It remains my favourite place in the world to this day and I still go there every year. Now, as I’ve grown into a position where I can actually help others, I decided to adopt the Cebe Primary school. It’s so easy for people like me who are in a privileged position to help those who are not and any contribution makes an enormous difference, so over the past few years, we have dedicated a corner of our office to the Cebe Primary School.

Books, magazines, old printers, chalk boards, stationery, bags – literally anything that we don’t use or need any more goes to the amazing kids in Cebe – and when you have hardly anything, everything makes the world of difference. So if you have anything lying around that you don’t use or need, please let me know and we can arrange to come fetch it – or you could just come and drop it off at our offices when it suit you. If you’re not a hoarder, any donations are also welcomed – just give me a shout.